B U Y   A R T 

finE aRt f0r sAle

All art shown here is for sale.

If you see something you like and are interested in purchasing, press the buy now button and let me know what you want to buy and I'll be in touch.


unfrAmEd photos

prInted on Ilford Galerie Smooth Pearl ph0to paper

a5 $75

a4 $120

a3 $199

a2 $299

a1 $399


FrAmed available by qu0tati0n
(dePends 0n thE frAme ayE?)


digItal $1000

single use right

(muLti use 0r 0ther bY neg0tiation)



event horizon
acrylic & oil on canvas
740 × 740mm


acrylic on canvas
1200mm × 900mm

c a l l n o w

0 2 1 8 8 1 0 2 4


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