art stock
Here is a selection of our stock, with more to come. Get in touch if you are interested in purchasing any of the art or having some of these works displayed in your place.

FLOOD - 1200 x 900mm Acrylic on Canvas
Buy $1800 nzd

Netflix & Chill - A3 or A2 B&W Photo Print
Buy A3 framed $450

Harbour - 910 x 610mm Acrylic on canvas
Buy $650 nzd


cognitive dissonance - 910 x 1220mm Acrylic & Ink on Canvas
Buy $1800 nzd

Apolonia - 840 x 580mm Oil on Board
Buy $950 nzd

parisian - A3 B&W Photo Print $95 nzd
unframed, other sizes available on request

Le Tour - 510 x 510mm B&W Photo Print on Canvas
buy $300 nzd

Mt Doom (Ngaruahoe) - 760 x 510mm Colour Photo print on Canvas

Hoe - 760 x 255mm Acrylic on Canvas
Buy $250 nzd

Blueming - 700 x 1010mm Acrylic & Ink on Canvas
Buy $1800 nzd

Frangipani - 510 x 1010mm Acrylic on Canvas
Buy $950 nzd

Structure 5 - 1220mm x 1220mm acrylic on canvas
Buy $1800 nzd

Structure 3 - 1220mm x 1220mm acrylic on canvas
Buy $1800 nzd

Abbesses - A3 B&W Photo Print $95 nzd
unframed, other sizes available on request

Storage Outlook - 900 x 700mm Acrylic on Canvas
Buy $1800 nzd

Oh Rocky - A3 Colour Photo Print $95 nzd
unframed, other sizes available on request

In the Retro Lab - 600 x 600mm Acrylic on Canvas
$900 nzd

Small Men Can't Cook - 1500 x 1000mm Acrylic on Canvas
$1900 nzd

Small Men are Clowns - 1500 x 1000mm Oil on Canvas
$1900 nzd

Lady Retro - 600 x 600mm Acrylic on Canvas
$900 nzd
coming soon
** some of these works are already out on lease, hire or display elsewhere, however we can re distribute if you are interested in any of these pieces.
**All works are for sale unless otherwise stated.